Export Cleaned Data
If you need to export the cleaned data, handle it here. You can also export it via the API.
Last updated
If you need to export the cleaned data, handle it here. You can also export it via the API.
Last updated
In the dataset details page, select "Export" from the sidebar to enter the export task list.
The Export Module page is used to manage data export tasks. You can create new export tasks here, view ongoing export tasks, or check completed and failed tasks.
At the top of the page, you can choose between two main export methods:
Export from API
Export data to a specified third-party system or application via the API. Refer to the API section for more details.
Online Export:
Manually select the data you want to export, and the system will generate a data file for you to download. This method is suitable for one-time exports or small-scale data exports.
Click the "New Task" button to start configuring the export task.
The progress of the data export is displayed under three tabs:
Exporting: Shows the tasks that are currently in progress.
Completed: Shows the export tasks that have been successfully completed.
Export Failed: Shows the tasks that failed during the export process, along with a detailed error report.
On the right side of each task in the Export list, there are a set of action buttons to help you control the task execution:
Stop Button:
Clicking the "⏸️" button will terminate the task, and the task will not continue.
Download Button:
After the task is complete, you can click the "⬇️" button to get the exported data file.
Delete Button:
Clicking the "❌️" button will permanently delete the task and related data records.